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BELS 4th Annual Career Day

Individuals who choose the right profession for themselves enjoy what they do, achieve in their chosen careers and live happier, more productive lives.  Therefore, to help guide our students in choosing the right career path, the Psychological Counselling and Guidance department organized the “BELS 4th Annual Career Day”, which was held on January 20, 2016.

The most important principal that makes a profession valuable is to serve humanity. One determines the life they will live by the jobs they choose. Therefore,  young people need to make realistic and wise choices. This is the reason why there was a need for such an activity. For a half-day, our students had the chance to talk and ask questions one-on-one to people from close to twenty different professions, from medicine to different fields of engineering. They had the opportunity to take part in workshops and ultimately explore the career fields that sparked their interests.

We would like to extend our thanks to our students and staff who worked in collaboration with Bilkent University and all the other participants.