The BELS Biology Department celebrated World Soil Day in order to raise the prep students’ environmental awareness. The students viewed a documentary entitled “Dirt! The Movie”. After viewing, they had the opportunity to participate in several activities concerning the dynamics of decomposition, the nutrient cycle and affordable sustainability. They reflected on how human activities since the industrial revolution, have created massive problems in nature and the environment. Afterwards, they offered possible sustainable solutions to help save the planet for future generations.
In one of the activities related with decomposition, students prepared compost by using green and brown materials they had used the week before. Others buried tea bags in the BELS garden and labeled the location of the tea bags to calculate the rate of decomposition during Erzurum’s extreme winter conditions.
During the World Soil Day activities, students developed and demonstrated the following IGCSE and IB attributes: students were “caring communicators, open-minded thinkers, and reflective inquirers”.