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Social Sciences


Objectives of Social Studies Department

To improve students’ ability to appreciate the history of individuals and societies with its reasons and consequences
To improve the ability of students to evaluate the structure of individuals and societies in regards to social, economic and physical environment
To encourage them learn about different cultures and beliefs while appreciating cultural diversity
To motivate students to use research techniques in order to discover and evaluate genuine knowledge
To support students in developing democratic values, human rights and responsibilities

Curriculum and Courses

Prep Classes

9th Grades

Religion and Ethics

10th Grades

Religion and Ethics

11th Grades

History of Turkish War Of National Liberation and The Reforms of Atatürk
Turkey In The 20th Century (SL)
Economics (HL and SL)
Religion and Ethics

12th Grades

Turkey In The 20th Century (SL)
Economics (HL and SL)
Religion and Ethics


While History classes depend on the methods of historical science, Social Sciences aim to provide the correct perception about terms related to history. Historical periods are covered with the aim of gaining decision-making through evidence-based education, skill-based instruction, collaborative teaching methods, chronological thinking, historical comprehension, historical analysis and interpretation, historical analysis of the problem.


In order to teach important terms and help students understand them, Geography lessons are carried out with the aim of gaining creative and critical thinking, problem solving, decision making, research, as well as developing skills, such as using maps, atlas, questioning, perceiving time, using evidence, and developing geographical skills, such as perceiving change and continuity in approaches.


Religion and Ethics courses aim to provide students with the sufficient basic information about religion, Islamic religion, and ethics in the framework of the general objectives and principles of the Turkish national education policy, the principles of Atatürk, Secularism; therefore, this course reinforces the Principles of Atatürk, National Unity and Solidarity, Human Love with the aspects of religious and moral and aim to educate good-tempered and virtuous people.


In philosophy lesson the ways a specific problem is handled through various areas of philosophy such as knowledge, science, wealth, ethics, aesthetics, politics and religion are taken into consideration Therefore, philosophical way of thinking is aimed to teach students. Similar and different points of Philosophy with religion, art and culture as well as the place and importance of Philosophy is provided. On the one hand, philosophy is used to give general and systematic information about science, scientific knowledge, scientific method, scientific research, various sciences; On the other hand, it is emphasized that the existence of human beings and their culture that represents them do not only rely on science and scientific information, and human beings are practical, moral, political, aesthetic, and religious. It is also aimed to introduce the attitudes and approaches related to areas of philosophy; thus, the ideas of creating a richer and wider understanding on both human and culture is to be conveyed.

Turkey In The 20th Century (History, Geography, Sociology)

IB Social Studies courses, aims to educate individuals, who the read, think critically, review, question, analyses, synthesize methods. This course profoundly examines both an interdisciplinary of History, Geography and Sociology disciplines and concepts and events that concern and affect the world and our country in the 19th Century and 20th century. In this context, this lesson helps students to examine events in our country by using visual materials by examining events in our country and to establish a cause-effect relationship with an intellectual point of view.


As a Group 3 Course in the IBDP Program, Economics aims to help students embrace basic economics terms in micro and macro basics and evaluate the basic concepts related to economic development. Introduction to Economics, Microeconomics (Private Companies and Public Institutions), Macroeconomics (Supply/Demand Relationships), International Economics (Globalization, World Trade Center, Balance of Payments), Economic Development and Barriers That Prevent Economic Development are among the subtopics of the course.